Here are some of the projects I have worked on:


Web Repo

Celllab First release:

A runner for cellular automata (like Game of Life) within a bounded playspace with border rules like mirroring and looping around.

This is a reimplementation of a program I wrote much earlier, but lost the source-code for.


Web Repo

almond-bread First release:

A visualization of the Mandelbrot set I wrote to learn different computation techniques.

All of these render off-screen without blocking the UI.



First release:

A console based sudoku toolkit written in rust. Solves a given sudoku and allows compressing/decompressing them.


Web Repo

ED-Mahjong First release:

An open, ad-free solitaire mahjong game, written in flutter, build out of a frustration with the existing games on the play store and f-droid being ugly or full of adds.

Doki Doki Dialog Generator

Web Repo

Doki Doki Dialog Generator First release:

This tools allows you to create scenes that look like they are from the game Doki Doki Literature Club.

Written in Vue and TypeScript. The graphics use the js canvas api.

There is also an enhanced desktop version using electron.



First release:

An extension for the now defunct tumblelog. Towards the end of its life, the website was barely maintained and fell apart in some places. So I started adding functionality using bookmarklets and user scripts.

Among these were:


Web Repo

First release:

Generates random sentences given a configurable structure.

This was mostly done to create a custom proverb-recombinator, putting together different halves of german proverbs to create funny outputs, inspired by Sprichwortrekombinator

Phrame 2


First release:

Written at a time where I was fascinated with Ruby-on-Rails, but needed to write websites using PHP, since the hosting plans for that were typically cheaper, with even some free offerings.

So I wrote a rails-like MVC framework in PHP.



Web Repo

First release:

The polish notation calculator. Actually exclusively supports reverse polish notation. Has evolved into a tiny stack based programming languages, with some library functions even implemented in polca itself.


First release:

A js-library that provides a class-like syntax for working with prototypes and constructors.

Made around the time I was learning to use ruby-on-rails and prototype.js. I build it as a lighter alternative to prototype.js’s class system.